Type any additional details about the transaction in the Memo field. Note that "VOID" has been inserted in the Memo field.From the menu, select Edit > Void Check.Open the check in the Write Checks window.Deleting a transaction is appropriate, for example, when a check is recorded twice or when a check is recorded with the wrong payee name. The process cannot be undone, and there is no record that the check was created except in the audit trail. When you delete a check, the check and all information about the check is removed from the register. Voided checks can be undone or reverted to the original transaction. The check still appears in the bank account register but "VOID" is inserted in the memo. When you void a check, the check details such as payee, account, check number, date, and memo are unchanged, but the amount changes to zero. For example, void a check if you printed the check and realized the amount was incorrect or if the pre-numbered check was used but is smudged and unreadable. Voiding a transaction provides the most complete record of your actions and is used when the transaction has already occurred or when you discover the error after printing the check. This feature works the same in versions 2011–2016 of QuickBooks. Deleting a transaction indicates the transaction never occurred and should only be used for simple errors detected prior to printing a check. Voiding a check produces the most complete record and is recommended for most check reversal transactions. To cancel a check and reverse the amount that was deducted from your bank account, you can use the QuickBooks Void Check or Delete Check function.
#Enter voided check in quicken 2015 for mac how to
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